
Climate Risk: A Legal and Insurance Perspective

Event Summary:Climate change poses a real risk for businesses. A number of risks – such as extreme weather events, water shortages and supply chain disruptions – are expected to increase as the climate continues to change. With increased legal liability and growing insurance costs, businesses will need to manage this uncertainty from both legal and insurance perspectives.


  • Learn about “climate risk”, and the implications it has on your business
  • Discuss legal liability and growing insurance costs associated with climate change
  • Learn how to manage risk and thrive in a low-carbon economy
  • Discuss strategies to approach senior management on this topic

Who Can Attend:

This event is open to anyone who is interested in attending including:

  • Individuals with an interest in the insurance and/legal sector
  • Current Carbon Project member organization representatives
  • NSI Sponsors, Volunteers, Ambassadors and Directors
  • Individuals from local organizations that may be interested in becoming members

Register Here!

Guest Speaker:

Laura Zizzo, Founder & CEO, Zizzo Strategy

Laura Zizzo is a lawyer and strategic advisor with over a decade of experience leading organizations towards a low-carbon and climate-adapted future through the application of law and policy. Laura started her legal career with a prominent Bay Street law firm before founding the first law firm in Canada focused on climate change in 2009. In 2015 she founded a strategic consultancy focused on advising public and private sector clients on climate risks.

She is a frequent writer and speaker on the move to the low-carbon economy and has become a leading voice on the legal imperative to adapt to climate change. Laura has contributed to numerous research and policy papers on legal liability related to climate change adaptation, the use of existing legal mechanisms to address climate change, and the role of markets and flexibility mechanisms in driving emissions reductions.

Laura has worked in the strategic research division of the Ontario Ministry of Finance and as co-editor-in-chief of the Journal of International Law and International Relations. She is co-founder of the Climate Change Lawyers Network, a member of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) committee on Environmental Law, an executive member of the Ontario Bar Association’s Environmental Law section and is a volunteer presenter for The Climate Reality Project. She has a degree in Environmental Studies from the University of Waterloo and a law degree from the University of Toronto. Laura is called to the Bar of Ontario.


January 17
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Event Categories:
Educational Forum, Webinar



Category: Events